版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本
Introduction for LIC Premium Calculator - ULTIMATE version:
BimamitraMobile ULTIMATE is the most advanced version of LIC Premium Calculator.
(Combinations, Presentations for Tablets & Smartphones).
Key Features of LIC Premium Calculator (ULTIMATE):
* Single Click Policy/FUP download from agent portal (No need to enter captcha values or enter answer to questions while downloading)
* Policy Register with Add/Edit/Delete facility
* Premium Due Report with sorting/filtering options
* Presentation.
* Multi-Plan Presentation.
* Numerous Ready-Made Combinations.
* SMS Combinations.
* Reverse Calculate Sum Assured by entering Maturity or Premium.
* Data Transfer from Mobile to Laptop/Desktop and vice versa.
* Email Presentations as PDFs
* Data Backup & Restore Facility.
* Calculate Premium on the fly.
* Calculate Surrender / Loan.
* Calculate Maturity Installment.
* Calculate Late Fee.
* Back Date Calculations can be seen.
* Calculate Vested Bonus.
* Calculate Medical Requirements.
* Calculate Yield.
* Validates your data & provides accurate results.
* Calculations shown can be sent to your customers immediately by SMS.
* Option to show calculations with yield / IRR (Internal Rate of Returns).
* Check out your commission details after calculations.
* Unique Ready Reckoner which lets you view report for desired Sum Assured and Mode.
* User Friendly layout ensures hassle-free data entry with LIC Premium Calculator - ULTIMATE.
Download and explore this most advanced version of LIC Premium Calculator - "BimamitraMobile ULTIMATE". Your feedback is highly appreciated and will help us to improve our ability to serve you.
For more information regarding LIC Premium Calculator - ULTIMATE version, please visit our website http://www.spysoft.com or send your query on support@spysoft.com or call us on 022 - 2855 5657 / 2812 3000